Privacy isn't about hiding something. It's about being able to control how we present ourselves to the world. It's about maintaining a public face while at the same time being permitted private thoughts and actions. It's about personal dignity.
Bruce Scheiner.
Are your photos protected? Do you know where your credit card details are stored? How safe are your bank account details? Do you even know what your personal identifiable information is? Who has access to your account information on LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon, PayPal,? How safe is your primary email information? Are you protecting your Bitcoin wallet or your cryptocurrency? Who has access to your browser history? Do you have secret files? What if I told you I can list all your password information? What if I could give you a download of your own Financial records?
It's a principle in cybersecurity called defense in depth. The idea is to provide layers of defenses So when one defense fails another one is put in place to protect you. There are three main types of defenses 1 prevent 2 detect and 3 recover.
Prevention defense Is when you encrypt your files and you make sure your key or password is not available. This stops people from accessing confidential files And information.
Detection is when you set up a system of tripwires For planting deliberate traps That catches a hacker or malware By triggering what is known as a canary or trap. This is a notification system of any nefarious activities.
Recovery is a form of backup And having the ability to recover lost files and information. The principle that you need to take away from this is What you cannot prevent, You detect. What you cannot detect you recover from.
What are your online assets?
Do you have any security measures in place?
Do you know what threats are most prevalent?
Who are your online adversaries?
The zero trust model
Who and what you trust Is key to your security, privacy and anonymity. The less you trust the lower your risk. You want to minimize the number of things you trust including yourself.
To protect our assets we have to make choices about Software ,Operating systems , Encryptions, Storage, Internet service providers, Password managers, The downloads that we download And the people we choose to trust to protect our assets. You must evaluate instead of trusting. Everything will produce a certain level of risk. We cannot mitigate the risk by Distributing the trust . This is the zero trust model.
Why Would I be Hacked?
Crime does pay ! The motive for wanting to access your account is pure and simple money. They want to take control of your computer So that they may get. How do they turn my PC my computer, my account and my online information into money? 440 billion dollars is lost to cybercriminals every year. There are many ways a hacker can gain access to your CPU GPU to get paid for your information. They can access your web server, your email, They can access your PayPal or your bank account information.
What would happen if someone got access to my email account?
Well they would have access to your messaging your calendar your Google your Skype chats your photos your call records your location. they could resell your Facebook Twitter Tumblr Macy's Amazon Walmart iTunes Skype Best Buy Spotify Netflix steam Crossfire account information to anyone they choose. That have access to bank accounts email accounts change of billing. you would be open to spam commercial email phishing malware stranded aboard scam Facebook Twitter spam email signature spam. They could Implement harvesting by collecting your email contacts your chat contacts all your Google Docs and access to all your software license keys. They would get access to your employment by being real Tootsie forwarded work documents into work emails.
What do you think are the top three things you need to do to stay safe online?
There's a difference between what an expert does to stay safe online and a non-expert.
Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities
Security bugs and vulnerabilities are errors that are written into software. 🐞
Security bugs can exist in your operating system, Firmware and applications. They can be found in Outlook and your media player. One of them more dangerous applications where bugs can exist is in your browser like FireFox and Edge and Chrome. These bugs can install malware on your system and encrypt your information so you have to pay a ransom to get your system unlocked. That is known as ransomware.
There are two main types of bugs.
- The known bugs which are patch available.
- If you patch a bug then you're safe against it.
- the unknown bugs no patch 0 days.
- Much harder to protect against because there is no patch.
Actors don't even need to have great skills in today's time.
They can purchase or rent online exploit kits about you. Can you believe that?
The word hacker used to be a positive term but today it holds negative connotations. We think of them as someone wearing a black hood and going into your system to cause problems and mischief.
Some people call themselves white hat hackers and they see themselves as hacking for the greater good. They get paid to try and compromise a company by hacking into their system. And in the cyber-security world this is called ethical hacking.
But we need to be concerned about the black hat hacker or as I like to call them cyber-criminals.
Most cyber criminals have very little skills they're called Script kiddies because all they can do is run smart people scripts. 95% of cyber criminals are script kiddies.
In modern times the 5% of hackers that have great skill produced tools for the script kiddies. There is even an underground Market selling these tools as hacking as a service. Unbelievable!
What is malware?
Malware is the name given to all software written for malicious intent.
Macro viruses This is a virus that has been written in a macrophage language like a BPS that is usually platform-independent.
Stealth viruses That tried to trick anti software by quickly hiding the notifications that are made. Viruses provide bogus and false information.
Polymorphic viruses Provide varied operational copies of itself. It is very difficult to detect these types of viruses with antivirus software.
Self-garbling viruses Make attempts to try to hide from antivirus software's By modifying its code So that it does not match predefined antivirus signatures.
Bots and zombies Is a collection of hack devices.
Worms this is simply a virus that spreads from one machine to the other.
OS rootkit Are the worst viruses that you can get and are embedded into the base of the operating system.
Firmware rootkits are the worst of the worst viruses. This is a virus that's installed on the hard drive firmware chip and even if you completely format your drive it will not get rid of the virus.
Kia logger viruses do exactly what they sound like they do they record the keystrokes on your keyboard.
Remote access tools {RAT} This virus is allowed to be introduced to access your computer and operated remotely. Like a remote administrative tool.
And my favorite, the Trojan Horse. These are programs that appear to be one thing. Darn fact another thing.
Look out for Ransomware!
The hacker basically takes all your information, codes, online assets, computer files, passwords and puts an encryption on it and then sends you a message ransoming that information back to you.
They usually accept Bitcoin payments because this form of payment is relatively untraceable.
Malvertisement Is a software produced by major and minor advertising Networks. This is where hackers Place their own ads on your systems that contain Scripts. To get around anti-virus Security checks these scripts point to other Scripts. Because of a chain of scripts from different locations it's very difficult to tell where this virus Originated. This makes it hard for legitimate advertising that works to realize that their campaigns have been corrupted.
Drive-by attacks Happens when you visit a website It has code to be transported to your machine.
The main purpose of spyware is to gather information and send it back to the Cyber Criminal. The software doesn't cause any damage they just want to compromise your identity And privacy based on a hidden agenda. Where is intelligence-gathering software.
Adware Is the software that forces unwanted advertisements on you.
Always pay close attention when installing software to make sure you are not installing adware. These usually come as optional installs with software that you actually want. I've become the victim of browser hijacking.
Believe it or not sometimes your computer actually comes with adiwear pre-installed.
Scareware Is a type of Social engineering software. This virus tricks a person into believing a threat that isn't really real. They often want you to pay them money to fix the fake problem.
Malware Pups “Potentially unwanted programs” Are applications that have legitimate uses but have functions and behaviors that can be exploited against the user without the user's consent.