CHAT-E was born.

It's crazy
what you can do with technology. I took the Logo and rigged it up on Character animator CC. Then I send the live feed over to OBS.
Next I did a live video Animation on Facebook and YouTube with a face rig system.
I completely bunged the voice over. But I think this live animation technique could be a cool way to tell stories.

When we think of automation
we think of advanced technology and robots but that's not necessarily the case. The idea of automation isn’t necessarily a modern one. Theory behind utilizing automation technology has been around for centuries!
The first tradition of automation
dates back to Egypt in the first century AD. The mathematician and engineer Heron of Alexandria created the first vending machine Sketch of an automaton from Heron of Alexandria. The automaton donates wine and milk and has the form of a Bacchus figure. It probably comes from the 1. Century AD Source: Wikipedia
The use of steam-powered looms
made the textile industry in the last third of 18. Fundamentally mechanized in the 20th century. This led to enormous increases in production and at the same time, the first conflicts arose over the "devaluation of competencies" and the "displacement of people by machines"
The Unimate Robot Arm
Conceived from a design for a mechanical arm patented in 1954 (granted in 1961) by American inventor George Devol, the Unimate was developed as a result of the foresight and business acumen of Joseph Engelberger - the Father of Robotics.
1898 Nikola Tesla
held a demonstration of his remote-controlled mobile mechanisms in New York’s Madison Square Garden. It was probably the first time people questioned whether robots could replace humans and threaten their livelihoods. Today, with over a century of a mind-blowing history of automation behind us, the question still persists.
Joseph Jacquard’s
invention of the so-called ‘punch cards’ in 1801. These cards were used to tell mechanical looms what pattern to make. Using this technology, Charles Babbage began developing the concept of the first-ever programmable computer, which he later called The Analytical Engine. Babbage’s friend Ada Lovelace, in the meantime, created the first-ever computer program, which would have run on his machine.
in the 1990s. An artificial intelligence called ‘Deep Blue’ defeated Garry Kasparov at chess in 1997.
NASA launched
its first autonomous robotics system on the surface of Mars. While at the same time, web crawlers and other AI-based data extraction programs became a crucial part of widespread internet use.
The 1990s also marks the time when the history of automation thoroughly intertwined with business process management.
What does Automation mean?
The term automation was coined in the automobile industry about 1946 to describe the increased use of automatic devices and controls in mechanized production lines. The origin of the word is attributed to D.S. Harder, an engineering manager at the Ford Motor Company at the time.
The time period when automation really began to take off was the Industrial Revolution. The increase in demand for things such as paper and cotton caused a change in the production of these items, with an immense amount of emphasis placed on extreme efficiency and production.
During the 1930s, Japan
was a leader in developing components for industrial manufacturing automation. One company developed the first micro-switch, protective relays, and a highly accurate electrical timer.
But how can you get the most out of automation?
By learning automation you will understand how to apply the right process automation strategy to your company’s workflows, calculate ROI, and how to deploy solutions inside your organization.
Three things we now know for sure:
Whether we like it or not, the future WILL BE automated. Automation technologies are irreplaceable for companies looking to sustain their success in 2020 and into the new decade. Learning automation will help your business grow.
- The feared robot takeover seems to be postponed once again. Bots and AI will take the brunt of the most monotonous, technical work, leaving all creative and people-oriented activities for humans.
- It’s digital natives who will rule the game soon. Most of today’s university graduates are so-called ‘digital natives.’ They do not require any training when it comes to automation. Business owners should be prepared to welcome this new generation of employees, it’s them who will determine the development of automation strategies in the nearest future.
Yeah sure Technology Can be an Evil Alien Technology designed to Destroy the world. ,but new Generation. “Digital Natives” Can work and play side by side technology. The future is bright!
I hope you enjoyed the History of Automation.
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